
I Love The Tropics

...which is funny, cause i've never BEEN to the tropics! i have palm tree jewelry, palm tree clothing, palm tree screen savers, even growing a hardy palm in my Z5b climate. It's an obsession with me- i was born in this area, but i still hate wintertime - hate the cold and the dark (while it still may be dark in the winter in the warm zones, it would still be WARM!). Plus my Tillies could stay outside, where they belong!
i complain every winter, and everyone tells me, "Oh, then you'll complain when it's hot". Not hardly. Yes, in the summer, there are times when i am really hot and sweaty and worn out from the heat, but no one ever hears me complain. Now, when i was a little girl, a lot fewer people had air conditioning, and summer was sometimes miserable without it! i'm not crazy - i'd love to live in a warmer climate, but i still want air conditioning for a little relief occasionally. But only occasionally. In fact, in our hot, humid summers, we don't use the air a lot - we're happy when we can finally open the windows and get fresh air. i recall our first apartment- the air conditioning was included with the rent, so it was on all summer. i realized at the end of the season that i hardly knew it had been summer! Oh, we were comfortable, but we never heard birds singing or frogs croaking, never smelled fresh mown grass or felt warm evening breezes coming in the windows. So while i'm all for air conditioning, i think there's a point where it's overused.
Did have about 40 houseplants, though :o)....

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