
Off Topic Tangent Day

Well, here i am, "prepping" for my "procedure" (colonoscopy) tomorrow. I ate at 11:00 AM and can't have anything but clear liquids until afterwards (which will be at least late afternoon tomorrow!). i have had minor surgery before, so this isn't completely new to me, but i have never had much experience with medical procedures. Never been admitted to a hospital (never had kids, either, so not even then). And compared to many others my age (52 - don't tell anyone), i'm very healthy (unless i find out differently tomorrow! :p), and i don't take any drugs except vitamins and painkillers (when necessary). So i don't want to get too involved with this stuff.

The worst part will be the "pre-procedure" stuff. As i said, no food till mid tomorrow, then, about 5:00 PM today, i start to drink this liquid that will begin to "clear the pipes", putting it nicely! Of course, my spousal unit will be eating regardless (i will not cook tonight, though - it's fast food for him)! My plans are a little different - I gotta have clear liquids - Tequila's a clear liquid, right?

Just kidding! - it's supposed to be warm and beautiful for the next 3 days - i'll just stay out and work in the garden until dark - DH always has to chase me into the house to eat, anyway - i don't love many things more than food, but gardening just may be one of them! By that time i should be pretty tired, don't you think?

*It's actually kind of freeing to not think about eating at all. I think some people's customs of occasional fasting is an interesting and good thing. We Americans eat so much, even compared to people in other countries (who are financially able to eat whatever they want) - it's almost obscene at times!*
Time for a picture that is totally unrelated to the subject (thank goodness!) ~ this is a wall in my office at work.
Well, i'm adding more on "The Day Of".. Not too bad so far, definitely  can't get away from the bathroom for very long, though! The worst part is this solution i have to drink - it really doesn't taste that bad, but after SIX glasses of it, it's pretty disgusting! I'm all for preventative measures, and everyone SHOULD have one of these after they pass 50, but this is a lot to go through! Still in the process of trying to get the rest of it down (and out!) - wish me luck!

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