
Nature's Fury

i was very frightened of storms and tornadoes when i was young. In fact, in my area in the 70's, we had tornadoes every spring for a period of 6-7 years or so. We have been very fortunate since then (for the most part) and my fears have long subsided. And after i became an avid gardener, you could still find me outside when the sirens went off and the sky was turning black, trying to plant the last few seedlings before the rain! Gardeners don't care!

But for some odd reason, I WAS worried this time, i guess for good reason...

We were not fortunate Saturday night.


Well, WE were fine (Toledo), but the line of storms that went right over us spawned several tornadoes to our east, after it passed us. Since it was nighttime, it was hard for even the newspeople to determine what had really happened. At daybreak and during the day Sunday, we found out that the police station in Millbury (20 minutes and 15 miles from my house) was hit along with half their police vehicles ( killing two people ), and a short distance away from there, Lake High School was almost completely destroyed!

They were to have held graduation ceremonies there on Sunday, only a few hours later! About 100 houses were either destroyed or damaged, killing five more people (one of whom was the valedictorian's father!). Very, very sad...

We forget sometimes that we cannot control everything (if we haven't figured that out yet from the current disaster in the Gulf!). Yes, we can control a lot in our lives, but only by the grace of God (or Fate or whatever you believe in) are we here in the first place!

I hope today finds you all safe and happy...

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