
I Love You, I'm Just Not IN Love With You...

Oh, Facebook, i was infatuated with you from the moment we met. i have a hard time going more than 8 hours without seeing you, and look forward to curling up with you in the recliner every evening.

You're all i ever wanted....

...except ~  i can't really trust you.

Such as...

If i post silly pictures of myself when i'm drunk, how do i know you will respect my privacy (settings)?

 If i post pictures of my children, who they hang with, the things they like, and where they go to school, how do i know you won't crack under the pressure of a determined pedophile with impressive hacking skills?

And many times, when i trust you to update my blog posts or post my pictures, like you promise to, sometimes it just doesn't happen...

And will you keep it only among my closest friends when i'm out of town (and my house is empty) or can't you really promise anything on that, either? 

So you see why, although i will always want you in my life, i cannot give you my unconditional love.

(...and you really need to have Spellcheck, so i don't have to be the Spelling Nazi anymore for all your OTHER lovers!)

What? Too dramatic? That's pretty much the way it is - i'm very conservative with FB - i only "friend" FRIENDS (not friends of friends, or children of friends, or co workers - ESPECIALLY not co workers!),relatives, and a select few that i may not know well, but who i feel are actually interested in my art business and/or well being. Speaking of that, I AM friends with a couple of "friend collectors", -those who seem to "friend" every person or business they can find! One has 4800, the other has 4500 (and growing), but the reason they do it is that these particular folks love our city and are trying to bring everyone together to benefit the city and its people, so i can't fault them for that!
(On the other hand, some FB members just want to see how many names they can throw onto their 'friends' list. I don't have anything to do with them).
Anyway, i definitely don't post all my deepest beliefs or every iota of information about myself - i post pictures of my vacation in another state...AFTER i'm home! i don't friend co workers, but STILL don't talk about my boss, or customers, or the day i called in sick, but wasn't (not that i'd EVER do that...)
After all that, i'm still a fan of FB, i just think everyone needs to be a little careful!

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