
Adaptable Animals

We humans are extremely adaptable creatures. We must be - how else could we go from a sunny 70 degree (F) day to a drop in 40 degrees 12 hours later with no repercussions (except lots of complaining)? Today isn't exactly one of those days, but it IS going from a 42 degree day that was sunny and felt like early Spring, into rain tonight, snow tomorrow, and temps going 25 degrees BELOW freezing in the next couple of days! How any plants (OR animals) (or my FISH!) can live out there through weather like THAT amazes me!
i remember a year (quite a long time ago) when we had a whole WEEK of 70 degree weather in March, long enough to become complacent and believe that winter was completely gone, until Mother Nature let out a "Mwuaa haaHAAHAA!" and dumped a FOOT of snow on us!

And really, around here that's not very unexpected, but i also heard that it's going that cold in the Carolinas and maybe even further South - and that just ain't right! And i remember that the Floridians (of whom i hope to be counted amongst someday) were treated just last year to a very cold winter - i really hope they don't get that same blessing THIS year!

i'm always threatening to move to a warmer climate if anything ever happens to DH (though i hope nothing ever does!), but then i wonder - would i really appreciate the Spring as much as i always have if the seasons didn't change as much?.............. HA! Try me!

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