Well, i haven't had a good rant for a while, here's one near and dear to my heart...
My hubby listens these days to all of those inane conservative talk shows on television (Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, etc) , filled with all those people who just like to hear themselves talk. i think it's a waste of time, but i guess i'm as bad, but in a different way - i don't have any use for anything political at all, and that isn't good,
either - BUT unfortunately, that's how i am. i can't help but listen to them when DH and i are in the same room, though,and one thing does continually stand out to me - they go on and on about how ridiculous Al Gore is, because there really isn't any global warming, and come up with all sorts of "experts" who have all this proof to that effect.
i myself believe that global warming is an actual problem, and i seriously doubt that we can change the way things are being done in time to prevent Humankind's extermination (Like I say, it's not about "Save The Planet" - the Earth cannot be destroyed by us alone- it's "Save Our Environment" - we only have a tiny window of air and temperature extremes that we can survive in, and if we screw THAT up - well, remember that little story about dinosaurs and how they
Anyhow, on to the point i'm making, which comes from my own simple observations, and that is IT DOESN'T MATTER! Why? OK, say there really IS global warming. Well, we have all heard what the effects could be, so i won't repeat them here. But, what if Al Gore and all those scientists ARE delusional and global warming isn't happening? Everything will be
fine, right? Uh,...no.
We are still polluting our water and air. We are still tearing down the rainforests at an incredible rate. We are still exterminating countless other life forms - Bison, Seals, Frogs, Sharks, Tigers, Whales, and hundreds or thousands of others! Does anyone NOT think that's going to impact US? We still need to change the way we do things to save our
asses, global warming or not!
( Although i do know some "religious" people who think that God put all this on Earth JUST for us to use, so we can use our resources irresponsibly forever - God will provide. How do you reason against THAT way of thinking?) I seriously am not sure why i'm worried about it - i
never had children, so once i'm gone, i really shouldn't care what happens- y'all can take care of yourselves! But still, i recycle and compost and stay away from chemicals when i can - if we do destroy our environment, at least i won't be a part of it...