i have always been a non conformist; first, when i was quite young, because i wasn't "cool", then because i decided that was the way i w
anted it. If i didn't fit in, then i would strive NOT to fit in! Nowadays it's more acceptable, but not in the 70's when i was becoming a separate entity from my parents. It is still too prevalent in our society. If everyone would follow their hearts and brains and not do what everyone else is doing, we would all be nonconformists and diversified.

Plus a lot fewer young people would smoke ( because they would only do it if it helped them in some way or felt good; and, face it, the first time you smoke a cigarette, it does neither!)
We would also not have designer fashions.
Case in point : i just got a new pair of glasses. They are "designer" frames. i picked them out because they were the best looking on me, and also fairly inexpensive (obviously a less "current" style!), not because of the name! Of course, they have the designer's name stuck on them where it can be se
en, even though i think the frames would look better without printing on them! (Sometimes i have to conform against my will - or create my own frames, which would be kind of a stretch for my income bracket)!

...But why would anyone want the same things everyone else has? ( By the way, have i mentioned lately that MY artwork is one of a kind?...) Why follow fashion trends? i shop at thrift stores (reduce, reuse, recycle:o)!), so i do own several designer items through that avenue, and i have discovered that they are not any more well constructed than anything else i own. How about
those handbags with the ugly patterns on them that everyone wants just because they look like the designer's logo? I have better things to worry about than following the rest of the salmon up the river. Life's WAY too short....